Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What René Has to SAY . . .

There are times when you will speak out, because that is your NATURE. Then, there are times when you will keep silent because you don't want to offend anybody, or you don't want people to think ill of you. The latter is your own insecurity ~ or is it keeping up appearances? ~ or is it WISDOM?

Could it be that you've been
scared SILENT?

Just some things to think about ~ think on ~ bring to mind . . . as you come here from time to time to take part, and JOIN IN on this BLOG of mine and yours.

WE have many things that WE can talk about, share with one another, and learn different perspectives on. This will only happen if everyone takes part and adds their input. This is what this BLOG is for . . . YOUR INPUT.

One thing about me . . . I LOVE ART!
So, from time to time, you'll find a different ICON in here ~ WHY? Because, I just LOVE ART! And, there is nothing like having a change of scenery, a different artistic work to VIEW, and a change of perspective.

I've found that ART helps you to keep your EYES OPEN, your mind fresh, and your VIEW unbound.

This is just a short introductory ~ and this doesn't tell you a whole lot ~ just a little . . . and sometimes, it is the smallest of things that gets us living life to our FULLEST POTENTIAL.

Talking is like that . . . it brings about movement ~ sometimes in the right direction, and sometimes not. But you'll never know if you don't make a MOVE. So here . . .

It's about SPEAKING UP ~ SPEAKING OUT ~ and LISTENING. You can't have one without the other. Well you can, but that would be quite boring wouldn't it?

So here is to "the PEOPLE" . . . because it takes all of us to make the world go round! And as wild as the world may be ~ WE are all in this thing TOGETHER . . .

ISN'T LIFE GRAND spinning around on the Wild ~ Wild Globe?!

WE'd all love to hear your take on what's going on in your world, your life, and in your MIND . . .

It's 2012 ~ Let's DO THIS!

Welcome to my BLOG and YOURS ~

ARTISTS of a very different kind!

There are Artists, and then there are ARTISTS!

and ART always have a way of stimulating the senses, and some ARTISTS know how to create MUSIC that moves the masses. They will come up with Lyrics that give the people listening a message that they don't soon forget ~ if EVER!

And what about those MUSICIANS that can play and play without a word being sung, and you wonder where from heaven they came from!

And, let us not forget those Vocalists that can bring you to your knees with one note!

Where would WE be without the LITERARY talent that takes us places through the POWER OF THE PEN? Would WE ever be able to delve into worlds unknown from our reading chairs? Would WE ever be stirred emotionally without a mouth moving in front of our faces, if we never have the mere opportunity of reading a poetic work that attaches itself to our emotions, stirs them up, and brings about an emotional reaction that we are not anticipating, and changes our way of thinking? . . .

Here's to the LITERARY MASTERS who move the world because they have been "gifted" with the handling of various writing instruments ~ be they pens, pencils, keyboards, markers, or audio words of power. They are our Authors, Poets, Story~Tellers, Journalists, Song Writers and various other Writers who dare to venture into a world unknown just by starting with one word.

ARTISTS of a very different kind ~ yes, yes, and YES!

This is only an introduction to get you thinking on the ARTISTS of the world. Without them, the world is VOID and without FORM. Think about it.

I thought I'd write a piece here, and then share a place with you to get you started on your quest to discover more of the world of the ARTISTRY that never ends. And, from time to time, I'll share other very interesting places, faces, and traces of the ARTS. But for NOW, just take some time to mingle, view, and if you are not scared, JOIN IN with ARTISTS of a very different kind ~ they are from all around the world, bringing various artistic mediums, various cultural artistic exchanges, and gifts that you will never be able to put a price on . . . you'll be glad you had the opportunity to meet these ARTISTS ~ I know I AM ~ Check out . . .


NEW Followers who have something to SAY . . .